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Para o acesso do Educando, utilize o Número de Matrícula como Usuário e a Senha cadastrada, ou a data de nascimento (ddmmaaaa). Para o acesso de Pai/Mãe/Responsável, utilize o CPF (sem pontos ou traços) como Usuário e a Senha cadastrada, ou a data de nascimento (ddmmaaaa). Resgatar Senha


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The Passionist College is a collector of excellent results for bringing well-prepared and successful people into society; builders of your own happiness and others around you.
The seriousness with which we minister the contents always puts our students in upward movement. We achieved excellent results with approval in life and also in the entrance exams. The student is the centrality of all actions, being able to develop and discover new perspectives.
Prepared Professionals
Passionate educators point out ways for "the disciple to overcome the teacher." With relaxed and interesting ways, attractive methods, diverse assessments, our teachers are honored to walk hand in hand with the student. In addition, our teachers undergo a continuous update, which makes them much more prepared for new demands of education.
Here the student has the opportunity to live with the Passionist Sisters, consecrated women, suitable, convinced of their responsibilities, supported by a strong spirituality and firmness of character. They remain attentive to new educational and life demands, ready to respond to the demands of each time.
- Attendance to learners of all social, economic, religious, ethnic and special educational needs.
- Individualized attendance that guarantees a commitment of the student with the studies.
- School reinforcement for learners when needed
- Monitoring for high school students.
- Religious Teaching Class (Confessional) expands knowledge about God, the world and the person. They establish relationship with the transcendent, through studies, reflections and prayers, which solidify human relations. Educate the heart, arouse faith, truth and love. Preparing the student to be happy.
Our College has very clean, organized and cozy environments. We also invest in safety in the school environment.
System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College São José
Rua Rafael Morales Sanches, 45 - Centro - Jandaia do Sul - PR
CEP 86900-000
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo