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"Educate for life, in love and for love"

Educating for life and happiness is our trademark. With each dawn we renew faith and trust in the Master Teacher, Jesus, certain that with Him we can be prophets in the mission of educating, pointing and opportunizing the student to visualize, as a learning person, the secrets of life: The Firmness of Character , emotional balance, possession of competence and skills, eyes open to the new, wisdom to live and work with shared vision, harmonious relationship person in the personal, social and transcendental dimensions, well, a well-managed life.
We are a team of Sisters and Educators - we pursued the ideal of educating passiologically, in a holistic view, like the Master, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene Frescobaldi (Founder of the Congregation of Passionist Sisters), who believed in the person, especially in the possibility of rebuild itself.
We are passionate about life, so our internal and external motivation to offer educational services is in the formation for life, for happiness.
"The person is the image and likeness of God."
Passionist Educational Project
Passionate pedagogy is based on the charismatic experience of Mary Magdalene Frescobaldi Capponi, rooted in the certainty of the possibility of the construction and reconstruction of the person, based on the love of Christ.
Passionist Discipline - Opting for a Model in Education
Educational discipline, for us, reflects the search for a healthy and harmonious coexistence. It is prevention, presence, monitoring, investment and guidance. Its purpose is to train the student to be responsible for their actions, consistent with their choice in education.
It is a discipline that strives to make the learner a balanced, free individual, who recognizes limits, within the dialogical style founded on the three characteristic aspects of passionist pedagogy: kindness, firmness and competence.
The Passionist discipline is based on Gospel Pedagogy, as well as the pedagogical thinking of our founder "Educating in love and love" and the human-Christian values expressed in Educating for life.
We educate for fraternity, for the development of spirit, ethics and life, technology and science, for the promotion of human-Christian values, within the perspective of Passionist Education. In this view, the Pedagogy of the Encounter occupies a prominent place in which we seek to develop the passionate values %u200B%u200Bof dialogue, an educational space par excellence, characterized by a real proposal of values: listening, openness, mercy and respect.
Our choice is for a multidimensional formation, encompassing the cognitive and the affective, with a harmonious relationship with oneself, with others, with nature and with God.
The main objective of the Passionist College St. Joseph is to educate for life and happiness. For this it performs its activities in order to direct its methods in the formation of the character of the student.
Since childhood the student experiences and learns in his spontaneous and everyday life establishing relationships with the knowledge he acquires. We believe every child is potentially talented, but in many different ways. Therefore, we aim to develop education individually so that the student has his own learning style.
We give students the opportunity:
- Formation for life and happiness;
- Learn to know;
- learn to do;
- Learn to live in a harmonious relationship with yourself, others, God and nature;
- Learn to learn through reading, research, projects, using the appropriate technology and methods so that knowledge is scientifically proven;
- Educate with firmness, kindness and competence.
System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College São José
Rua Rafael Morales Sanches, 45 - Centro - Jandaia do Sul - PR
CEP 86900-000
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo